CLifton studio

This adaptive reuse project was the revitalization of a small commercial building in the North End of Halifax. The existing low-gabled structure that once housed industrial calendar printing presses had fallen into disrepair and become the blight of its neighbourhood. The building now offers a space for local start up companies to grow, develop, and enrich the community in which they reside. Due to modern property setback requirements, the only way to fit a new building on this site was to build within the footprint of the existing structure and grandfather in the new design. By designing within these constraints, we were able to turn a dilapidated old building into a productive member of its community.  

Architecture + Design: Peter Braithwaite Studio Ltd. (Peter Braithwaite)

Rendering: Ryan Nelson (Hungry Architect / + visual)

Drawings and Models: Peter Braithwaite, Cait Stairs